Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, I Don't Care About you

April has been a bad month. To be honest, this year has been bad. But i keep telling myself, fuck them all and just focus on spm. I have less than a year until i can drive and oh yeah, creating a new IC. This time, i'm gonna smile.

Okay, to continue. I'm gonna talk about humans. Humans and their fucking attitudes. Why can't they just follow the rules? This morning, dad sent me to school and when i was on my way there, around the corner, there were many bitches who cut off a traffic line. Didn't they know that they were not the only one who were in a big rush? My dad and i were too, in a rush but we still follow what you people call 'RULES'. Yes, RULES. I know rules suck and meant to be broken but heck, if one follows, why can't the others follow too? We humans have minds and brains. We know what is the wrong and right and yet we still perform the wrong. Those are selfish people enough said. Baik pergi kerja jual ikan je. You know what? I'm gonna write a special letter to the 'special' old lady who cut through my line this morning.

Dear old lady who cut through my line this morning,
(apperently, she is one of my school teachers.)

I don't care if you're young, old or one of my teacher. You suck and may someday you realise of your mistake that you once thought it was for your own good. In a hard way.

the grudgy one.

p/s : yes i have grudge, all the time. We all do.

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